You know - sometimes I find it hard to believe how amazing some people are when it comes to crafts - sometimes I come across people who don't just craft ... they master an element of craft that I have never even pondered. Such as Hazel... Which is why I am so happy to run a Creative spotlight on her today.
Hazel, uses looms to create really exquisite scarfs, shawls and other weaved goods ...
Click here to see an insight to her weaving sheds and how she works :)
Beautiful scarves ...
and beautiful silk scarves ...

really, honestly - simply - I am in awe!
Handwoven silk wrap using handpainted silk yarn and a co ordinating silk thread.
The inspiration for this wrap came from a visit to Lake Vyrnwy last winter. It was bitterly cold and the lake had partially frozen. The ice was reflecting an unusual blue colour.
Approx 22" wide x 73" long |

Really amazing eh?
Maybe there is a green scarf that matches my shade of envy ... hehehe!
I am completely besotted with all of her creations.
Before I go ... let me tell you where you can find her and her lovely work ... so you can become addicted too!
Lovely insight Nicola..;o)