Well what a time in the UK I have had! :)
Joe and I have had a holiday (dont know whether I should actually call it a holiday, because we have been so busy, it's been really exhausting!)
We drove back to the UK, and used the ferry …
Getting on the DFDS ferry |
It’s always such a long day … about 15 hours door-to-door ...
My picture of the "White Cliffs of Dover" |
We always end up so tired by the time we are home – here is a picture of my first night, snuggled up on a recliner with a piece of vienetta! Nom!
We had so much to do … we had so many people to see
Here are some of the highlights … (in no particular order!)
Joe and I going to Warrington Registry office to apply for our notice of marriage.
(I also showed Joe the Golden Gates and the town hall - below)
I had ordered a bag from "Charmed by Marie" it had arrived at my parents! Oooh! I love it! x
Breakfast with Joe, my mum and sisters at Slatterys looked at the amazing wedding cakes with Joe … then had “Eggs Benedict” in the restaurant above the shop … (absolutely amazing! I highly recommend you go if you are in the area – but don’t forget that reservation)
My Mum, sisters and I continued on to a wedding dress shop in Macclesfield www.MariaModes.com
I found THE dress! (won’t put a picture up yet for a fear that a certain someone will see it! *lol*)
I also found the bridesmaids dresses there too, so I have content bridesmaids as well … good good!
Joe and I went to the cinema to see “Hangover 2”
So funny!
Joe and I also finally went to see our wedding venue – Mottram Hall.
We had a walk round the grounds, a chat with our wonderful wedding coordinator and our food tasting session! Mmmh!
(we took pictures of the food, but wont share here, I’d like to leave that as a surprise for our guests)
We’re really happy with the choice of venue. This was the first time ever that we had seen it, so it is nice that it is as nice as we had hoped it would be!
We shopped for wedding rings … but there was too much choice to make a decision straight away …
We prepared and posted our wedding invitations … (sorry they are all out in the post on the way to the attendees and i left my spares in the UK! boo! will catch up with photos on this one another time)
Had a night out on the town with one of my sisters … (shame that I have no pictures from this one!)
I spent time with my Niece and nephews …
I had a full day at the Trafford Centre shopping with my best friend ...
I went to Ladies Day at Chester Races with all of my girlfriends …
(I'm on the right) |
Ate lots of great food … Pies, M&S, Chinese, Fish & Chips, and Indian …
(I feel fat but I am utterly happy!)
Knackered, got home in the early hours Tuesday morning … I need another holiday!